• Programming Skills: Java, Python, C/C++, SQL, HTML/CSS, TypeScript
  • Java Technologies: Core java, J2EE, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring JPA, JUnit, Spring MVC Framework, SpringBoot, Spring Cloud
  • Web Technologies: Bootstrap, Servlets, XML, JSON, SOAP, REST API, Angular, ReactJS, Node.js, Flask
  • Database: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL
  • ML Algorithms: Regression, Classification, Ensemble Learning, Dimensionality Reduction, LLMs, NLP
  • Tools: SQL Developer, Git, SOAP UI, Postman
  • Methodologies: SDLC, Agile
  • Defect Tracking: JIRA
  • IDE: Intellij, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code, NetBeans
  • Web/App Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Oracle WebLogic
  • Container Services: Docker, Kubernetes
  • Cloud Services: AWS, Openshift

My Projects

Jan 2022 - Dec 2023

Cross-Border Payment Reports+

Cross-border payments and reporting plus (CBPR+) is a workgroup of payments experts whose mission is to create global ISO 20022 Market Practice and Implementation Guidelines to ensure a common roll-out and implementation of ISO 20022 by banks. CBPR+ usage guidelines define how ISO 20022 messages are to be used for cross-border payments and cash reporting on the Swift network and are to be validated.

Dec 2020 - Dec 2021

IPE-ICC(International Countries)

IPE is a product comes under the IBGT (Institutional Banking), used to process the corporate payments. It is a web application for providing Payment Processing for Corporate Customers. This system act as a middleware for Outgoing Payment message coming from front end application as well as Incoming Payment message coming from and to SWIFT via SAA/AMH system. Application helps to do basic auto-correction , determination of debit and credit accounts ,Generating transaction reference number , Matching Auto routing rules to obtain receiving bank via serial or cover or SWIFT GPI , Black List check, Forex Conversion , Sending Acknowledgement back to Front End Applications etc.



This solution tackles several issues. Firstly, students no longer have to stress about taking notes during lectures. If they miss a class, they can easily catch up with a summary of what was covered. These concise points will help students recall class content efficiently. Additionally, we've incorporated shuttle service details, so staying updated on shuttle times is a breeze. Want to find out which dining hall is serving your favorite dish? Now you can. Plus, the most popular items are prominently displayed for easy selection.

June 2020 - Dec 2020

Secure Loan Service

Developed a web app using Flask and Angular framework that informed over 1000 customers daily about loan approval status, utilizing classification algorithms for accurate eligibility predictions. Enhanced customer experience and operational efficiency by analyzing past customer data, leading to 30% improvement in loan approval process accuracy.